As soon as children start primary school, they will have at least 20 minutes daily dedicated phonics teaching, learning letters and sounds to build words and the necessary skills to decode for meaning.

This is taught through step by step scheme, called Read, Write Inc which is a progressive programme for teaching sounds alongside learning to write.

Fred the Frog puppet plays an important part of our Read, Write Inc lessons.  Fred is only able to speak in sounds, not words – we call this Fred Talk.

Watch this short You Tube clip to see how Fred blends his sounds Fred Talk.

What your child will learn in phonics

The documents linked below explain what sounds are taught and the order we teach them.

They also contain more information about the Read Write Inc scheme, as well as further resources for you to follow with your children at home.

Read Write Inc explained for parents

RWI Expectations of Progress Sept 24

RWI Reading at Home Booklet 1 (Set 1 Sounds)

RWI Reading at Home Booklet 2 (Sets 2 & 3 Sounds)

Further Reading

Starting school in 2025?
