“Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.”

Shakuntala Devi, Indian writer and mental calculator

Our vision for maths

By the end of Year 6, we want children to be masters in number and self-assured reasoners. Children will be fluent in a range of number facts based around addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They will be able to confidently recall this knowledge using a variety of taught strategies. Children will have well developed reasoning skills which allow them to independently solve problems by making connections with learnt number facts and be able to explain their process with conviction.

Early Years maths

By the end of Early Years our children will be ‘Maths Masters’. They will be able to count, recognise numbers, make patterns and name shapes. They will understand the composition of numbers 0-10, confidently subitise numbers 0-5 and be able to count beyond 20. Children will be able to compare quantities and identify more, less and the same. We aspire for our Early Year children to have a ‘can do’ attitude towards maths, to keep on trying and to not be afraid to make mistakes.

Children in the early years develop the concept of maths mastery through maths talk, practising the skills they’ve learned during play, and developing number sense. Our nursery environment and continuous provision, such as block play, sand and water,  supports all children to develop their understanding of mathematics and strengthens the development of mathematical vocabulary and talk  through play. Alongside this, Number is taught through practical, relevant play based activities. Number names are learnt in order, children learn to count up and count back and sing lots of rhymes and songs to reinforce this.

In Reception, Teaching for Mastery supports the teaching and learning in Maths,  emphasising  number facts, precise mathematical language and full sentences.

Maths at PSJ in Years 1 – 6

We use the White Rose Maths Hub plans across school to ensure that there is appropriate breadth and depth in our maths curriculum.  Pupils have many opportunities to practise the basic skills and memorise key number facts such as number bonds and times tables to help them develop greater fluency in their mathematical development.  There are also many opportunities for children to develop their mathematical reasoning and problem solving.

For further information on the White Rose Maths Hub scheme and how parents can support their children please visit the White Rose Maths Hub website.

What my will child learn in maths and when we teach it

White Rose Long Term Plans

Measurement Progression Document

Geometry: Position, Direction and Movement Progression Document

Geometry: Properties of Shapes Progression Document

Ratio and Proportion Progression Document

Algebra Progression Document

Fractions (including decimals and percentages) Progression Document

Multiplication and Division Progression Document

Addition and Subtraction Progression Document

Place Value Progression Document

Further Reading

Starting school in 2025?
