As a nursery, we feel that children’s self-confidence comes first. Happiness underpins enjoyment and, at PSJ nursery, we believe using this as a starting point has the utmost importance. Staff feel that children should come to nursery feeling safe and they provide opportunities for children to feel this in a calming and welcoming environment.
Within our nursery, children make full use of both the indoor and outdoor spaces. They offer opportunities for children to lead their own learning through the guidance of our dedicated practitioners combining the two spaces holistically. Staff take their lead from the children to help them support and scaffold every child’s interests, leading to them celebrate uniqueness and challenge their curiosity in a variety of ways. This leads to naturally extending learning, allowing them to develop without being sat around a table.
“The best classroom and the richest cupboard is roofed only by the sky” Margaret McMillan
Within our spaces, there are inspiring natural resources which challenge the curiosity in every child. This enables them to follow and develop their passions and interests in a safe, interesting and exciting way.
From our large sand pit, to our construction area, to role play, your child’s development is at the forefront of everything we do.
Our nursery provides opportunities for physical development focusing on fine and gross motor skills, role play, creative activities and exploratory play. This is a great way for children to develop their own learning and build upon experiences they have gained in their day-to-day.
How Nursery is organised
We are a free-flow provision and the children are able to access all areas of our Nursery. We separate into Ladybirds and Caterpillars (2-3 year olds) and Bumblebees (3-4 year olds, or Pre-schoolers!) for our together times. We all enjoy snack and lunch together.
Extra curricular sessions
We want all children at PSJ Primary to love reading. This starts with a foundation of enjoying books together at home. Please encourage your child towards books. One of our favourite things is watching children read to themselves in play, sometimes using repeated phrases or telling the story from memory! Please share any photos with us on Tapestry.
Communication with Parents
We use Tapestry to share pictures, messages and observations with parents. This is an app that you can download to your phone. You will be sent an activation email once your child starts. We love to see what your children do at home, so do share anything fantastic with us too! We also send out texts and emails, so please make sure we have an up to date email address and phone number.
Key Workers
All children at Nursery will be assigned a Key Worker and we will let you know who this is. Your Key Worker is the adult who is primarily responsible for your child’s development and will be your first point of contact. We endeavour to assign key workers by looking at which of your child’s sessions match the days our fabulous team work. We are fortunate to have a fantastic team at PSJ Nursery, so you are welcome to speak to anyone if your Key Worker isn’t available!
Our Learning
Details of learning in our class can be found in Our Learning pages. The curriculum map below is a summary overview for the year.