Welcome to Year 2

Year 2 is an exciting and challenging year. Children in Year 2 are encouraged to work with increased levels of independence within a more structured lesson approach. They relish the chance to take on challenges to develop and grow.

We work hard to promote resilience and effective learning behaviours that enable children to work to their full potential both academically and emotionally. 

Useful Information


Year 2 has PE on Monday and Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing the correct PE school uniform.


Children are expected to read at home at least 4 times a week, with an adult, for at least 10 minutes, and this should be recorded in their reading record.  The class teacher or LSA will then check the reading records every day.

When children are on RWI (phonics), they will bring home a RWI bookbag book (which they need to read twice before changing it) and a library book to read for pleasure.  As they progress off RWI, they will take an Accelerated Reader test to assess their book level, and will bring home an Accelerated Reader book which they need to read once, before they take a quiz to assess their understanding.  They will continue to bring a reading for pleasure book home too. 


Spelling tests will be weekly. Children will practise spellings in class everyday.  

There will be 10 spellings to learn over the week. These will be a mix of spellings from the Oxford Owl unit which the children are working on, alongside Red Words and Year 1/2 Common Exception Words.


Homework will be sent home on Mondays, with the link in the school newsletter.  

The homework will be Maths and English based, with recall of number facts and times tables practice, spellings and Doodle Maths assignments. 

Homework is expected to take the children around 20 minutes. 

Our Learning

Details of learning in our class can be found in Our Learning pages. The curriculum map below is a summary overview for the year.

Year 2 Curriculum Map 24-25

Year 2: Buttercup & Sunflower Updates

Further Reading

Starting school in 2025?
