We are focusing homework in three key areas: Reading, Spelling and Maths. These three areas are ones where regular, short burst practice can really benefit your child.
In addition to this weekly homework, we would like all children to be working on challenges in their Citizenship and Character Award.
The expectations for children in Year 6 will increase over the course of the academic year to help prepare them for the transition to secondary school.
Early Years and Key Stage 1:
There are three types of books: One is a Book Bag book linked to the sounds your child is working on in class. These are at the correct level for your child to practice and consolidate decoding phonic skills.
The second is a phonics book your child has already read in class. This is a book your child should be able to read fluently. Children will keep both of these books for a week. This enables them to read the same text fluently and confidently.
The third is a sharing book, where you can read and model reading to and with your child.
It is more important for younger children or those in the early stages of reading to read frequently rather than for long sessions less frequently. E.g. ten minutes per day rather than 50 minutes once a week. We expect reading records and books to be brought in daily and we ask that parents sign and date their child’s reading record at least 4 times a week.
Key Stage Two:
More fluent readers may demonstrate to a parent/adult that they are reading at home. This can be done through discussion about the text/book or through a review of what they have just read.
Older children can expect to read for longer periods of time. In Year 3 and 4 we expect those children reading within national expectations for their age to read at home for a minimum of 20 minutes per session. Children in Years 5 and 6 should read at home for a minimum of 30 minutes per session. Children can always choose to read for longer should they wish to. We expect reading records and books to be brought in daily and to be signed by parents at least 4 x a week.
Early Years and Key Stage 1:
Children will be given sound or word lists to practise at home. These will always be based on sounds and word patterns they have been learning in school in their phonics or spelling lessons. As children progress through the school they will be expected to learn spelling patterns and common exception words for spelling tests.
Key Stage Two:
Children will learn spelling patterns and words in class which they must practice at home in preparation for weekly spelling tests.
Early Years and Key Stage 1:
Children will have some maths home learning, linked to learning from the previous week. Additionally, every child will have a log-in to Doodlemaths, an online learning tool to help children to revise and practise maths knowledge and skills. Please ask your child’s teacher for their log-in. We would expect children to log in to Doodlemaths at least 3 times a week as mathematical fluency is as important as reading fluency.
Key Stage Two:
Children are expected to know and have rapid recall of multiplication facts up to 10×10 by the end of Year 4 and so all children must learn and practise their times tables frequently until they are secure in them. Please support your child with learning these facts.
Children in Key Stage 2 will have weekly maths homework, lnked to learning they have completed in class that week. In addition, all children will have a log-in to both Doodlemaths and Times Table Rock Stars. Both of these online learning tools support times tables and wider mathematical fluency and we expect children to log-in to either of these at least 3 times a week.
You can support your child with home learning through setting up regular routines, ensuring your child has a quiet place to complete their learning, and talking to your child about their reading book and learning.
The following websites might be useful to support home learning.