Welcome to Year 5

Mrs Dallimore, Mrs Dixson and Miss Webb are thrilled to work with you as we support your child in the next steps of their academic, social and personal development. 

We have planned lots of exciting and engaging lessons which we are confident will arouse curiosity, deepen understanding and motivate the children to achieve their very best. 

Useful Information


Both classes will have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please remember to wear your PE kit on both days.


Year 5 Mini-Police will move forward as a 9 week programme on Wednesdays (dates to be confirmed).


As part of homework, all children are expected to read at least 3 times a week. Please sign the reading record. We aim to check this everyday. 

Children will be given a book to match their level after their initial assessments but may also take another book of their choice (which an adult could share with them). They may also read books from home alongside their level book. Once children have finished a book, they must do the accelerated reader quiz for this. This can be done at home or in school. 

Class books that we are reading in Term 1 are: The Polar Bears Explorer’s Club by Alex Bell, Shackleton’s Journey by William Grill and an adaption of Scott’s Diary in our English writing sessions. 


Spellings will be tested every fortnight on a Thursday. Spelling lists will be on homework sheets for the two weeks. The list will be slightly longer than previous years, as children will have longer to learn them. Spellings will follow a letter pattern or rule, and there will be additional words from the Year 5/6 word list. We will practise spellings daily in school. Some children will have alternative spellings and phonics sessions to plug gaps.


Homework will be set on Friday to be in the following Friday. We will provide an adapted sheet for some children with SEND plans. There are extra homework sheets in class, should children misplace them.

Homework will consist of some Maths that we have been studying in class recently, some Year 5 grammar questions and some questions based on the wider curriculum. 

Our Learning

Details of learning in our class can be found in Our Learning pages. The curriculum map below is a summary overview for the year:

Year 5 Curriculum Map 24-25

Year 5: Sapphire & Sky Updates

Further Reading

Starting school in 2025?
