Our Resource Base called The Star opened in September 2024.
Resource Bases are linked to a mainstream school and are for pupils with a specific type of SEND. The pupils will be taught mainly within mainstream classes but may require a base with some specialist facilities. Within the base there will be specialist support for children with SEND as outlined in their individual EHCPs.
The Star is situated in the main school building and will capacity for up to twelve children (EYFS, KS1 and KS2). Places at The Star will be for children with EHCPs only and the children must have a recognised diagnosis of Autism or be under formal ADOS assessment for autism. Places are allocated through the EHCP consultation process.
Children at The Star will benefit from a blend of base and mainstream education with the expectation that they can access an age appropriate mainstream education alongside their peers, increasing the time spent in the mainstream setting over a period of time.
The Star is a low stimulation space, designed to provide a safe and nurturing environment that will support children to build their independence and to flourish.