School Uniform

  • A branded school cardigan or jumper with the school logo
  • A light blue polo shirt
  • A blue checked pinafore
  • Grey or Black trousers, shorts or knee-length skirt
  • Grey, white or black socks
  • Tights or white knee length socks if wearing a dress or blue pinafore
  • Black shoes (no trainers or boots/black shoes with Velcro straps are fine)
  • Backpack or book bag (no handbags/shoulder bags)

PE Uniform (2 days per week)

  • Our branded school PE T-shirt
  • Our branded school PE hoodie
  • Blue or black shorts or tracksuit bottoms /leggings – unbranded
  • Non-marking sturdy sports shoes that are suitable for PE

Available from the school office with payment by card machine.

Size 22"-32"£11.50£12.50
Size 34"£12.50£13.50
Adult£14.50 (includes VAT)£15.50 (includes VAT)
PE T-Shirts£6.50£6.50
PE Hoodies£14.00£14.00

Outdoor Play And Learning (OPAL)

  • Wellies – kept in school
  • Waterproof coat

Please label all uniform with your child’s full name

Hair and Jewellery

As a primary school, we expect children to be children and not to come to school wearing make-up, fake nails or wearing nail polish. We expect children to come to school without wearing jewellery (necklaces, rings, bracelets, etc). Children are active during the day and jewellery can catch and break easily; it is best to keep it safe at home. If children come to school wearing any of these, we will ask them to remove them or ask parents to come and remove them. If children have ears pierced, we expect them to have one piercing in each ear and the earrings to be studs.

We ask that all children with long hair (below shoulder length) have their hair tied back. Hair bands must be plain or subtle. Hair must be a natural colour.


Children at PSJ are allowed to wear home clothes on their birthday to help them celebrate their special day. These clothes must be suitable for a day in school.

Further Reading

Starting school in 2025?
