In Year 4, we will spend time learning and consolidating our times tables facts. This will be key to our maths learning as the children will need to be able to recall all facts at speed.
We will be challenging the children to push themselves as readers, exploring new genres and text types.
We will be encouraging the children to become ever more independent learners and thinkers, asking questions to deepen their learning.
We will be exploring vocabulary in all areas of the curriculum, getting the children to use this rich language in their speech and in their writing.
Most importantly, we will be encouraging the children to foster and develop relationships with each other which allows them to have fun and enjoy themselves.
We are looking forward to our Year 4 camp in 2025.
Children in Aqua class have PE on Wednesday. Teal class will have PE every Wednesday and Friday. Please remember to wear PE kit on these days.
In Terms 3 and 4, AQUA class are swimming on Tuesdays so will need to bring their kit for this in a separate bag. They will need a swimming costume, a pair of goggles and a towel.
Aqua class will also need their Forest School clothes every other Wednesday (see letter sent home before Christmas).
As a part of our homework, we ask that children have read and recorded this in their reading records a minimum of four times per week. We aim to check this everyday and will always have checked this and signed it by the end of the week.
Children have been assessed on Accelerated Reader and will have a reading book that is matched with their level. Children will take quizzes throughout the year to measure progress and improve the level of books they can take home. The children have their own log ins which they can use to access Accelerated Reader at home and complete the quiz for their book if they wish. Here is the link to access quizzes at home:
Class books we will read this year:
“Journal of Iliona A Young Slave” Richard Platt, “The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe” C. S. Lewis, “Shackleton’s Journey” William Grill, “Kidnap on the California Comet” M.G Leonard & Sam Sedgman, “Who Let the Gods Out” Maz Evans and “Icarus was ridiculous” Pamela Butchart.
Homework will be given each Monday and can be found on the school newsletter. Children are offered paper copies if they cannot access the homework online.
Spellings will be tested each Monday and will be linked with the spelling pattern we have focused on in class.
They will also be learning the Year 3 and 4 key spellings (Common Exception Words).
Useful links:
Our Learning
Details of learning in our class can be found in Our Learning pages. The curriculum map below is a summary overview for the year.