Supporting Children’s Medical Needs

In line with the MNSP Trust policy on how schools support children with medical needs, we are only allowed to administer prescribed medication and a consent form is to be completed by a parent / someone with parental consent prior to the medicine being given. Generally, it will only be possible for medication that needs to be given 4 times a day to be given in school. Please note that this form must be completed for all medication including inhalers.

Forms are available from the school office or you can download the form below.

Medication and inhaler form

Non Prescribed medication – such as paracetamol / ibuprofen

Giving painkillers in school can mask the development of more serious conditions and so it is good practice for the parent/carer to make the judgement about the child’s health.

Parents are very welcome to come into school to administer a non prescribed medication with prior arrangement by the school. Any alternative arrangements (e.g. a friend/other family member) would need to be agreed beforehand by the school.

Medication to be taken on a residential visit (and some school trips) require a separate consent form to be completed for each trip.

Further Reading

Starting school in 2025?
