Achieving excellence in music is something that we feel very proud of at PSJ!

Every class has weekly music lessons with our music specialist teacher in our very well-resourced music room. Every child has the opportunity to learn an instrument and for many this goes beyond the traditional recorder or keyboard to brass instruments, drum kits, guitars, piano, flutes, fifes or clarinets.

Offered as free extra-curricular opportunities, we have a thriving orchestra and choir. These groups perform at whole school and community events. Our Year 6 children are offered the chance to join a weekly brass group, receiving weekly brass tuition and a chance to play in an ensemble.

If your child is interested in learning a musical instrument you can find out more on our music lessons page.

Throughout the year children in every age take part in musical performances including Harvest festivals, Christmas nativity plays, Community Carols and the hugely successful summer production. We aim to perform in a range of venues from the school halls to local churches, the Forum in Bath and the theatre at Writhlington. Every other year children who attend choir take part in the Young Voices event, travelling to the arena in Birmingham to join a choir of thousands of children.

Further Reading

Starting school in 2025?
