Please make sure your child has weather appropriate clothing in school.
In the event of your child needing to be off school, please follow the school’s Attendance Procedures and see the school’s Communication Flow Chart for details of who to contact in school, when to contact them and how.
If you have any questions or concerns, please see your class teacher or contact the office at
Unfortunately, headlice and threadworms are a common problem, particularly in school children aged 4-11.
It is important to know about these common problems, how to identify them and how to treat.
The school will contact the individual classes to advise of a case of headlice or threadworms. Please check your children regularly and treat correctly to avoid reinfection. If your child is in school and we notice a case of headlice or threadworms, we will ask you to collect your child, treat and return to school.
For information about these problems, please follow the links below to the NHS guidance pages:
Children and staff in educational settings are particularly susceptible to the spread of infections, such as seasonal influenza (flu) and gut infections (such as norovirus) which increase over the winter months. Outbreaks often occur due to the close contact between children and staff. However, the impact can be reduced by following the advice provided and by adopting good infection control practices.
The nursing team are able to offer all children vaccines in the early part of the season and will have schools booked up to mid-December. Alongside this they will offer community clinics throughout the season for if you child misses their vaccine at school. Some children are more at risk from flu and for these medically vulnerable children they would like to offer early clinics to ensure they are protected at the earliest opportunity. If you believe your child fits into this category please contact the Single Point of Access (SPA) on 0300 247 0082 to book into a clinic that is convenient to you.
School nurses provide health related support, advice and treatment to school age children and their families in a variety of settings. They help children and young people learn how to make decisions about living in a healthy way, so that they can enjoy and achieve things in their lives.
Sometimes children and young people feel unable to talk with their parents or carers about health problems or worries. School nurses can listen and help them to decide what to do next.
School nurses cover the following:
General health and wellbeing:
Emerging mental health problems:
Vulnerable children:
Risk taking behaviours:
Social and family concerns
School Nursing Service, St. Martin’s Hospital, Clara Cross Lane, Bath BA2 5RP
0300 247 0055