Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) can affect a child or young person’s ability to learn.
It can affect their:
Our school commits itself to creating excellence in curriculum provision and to providing a safe and caring environment for all its pupils. As part of this, we believe in providing children with a breadth of experience to support the development of the whole child. We believe that all our children should be included in all areas of school life, enabling them to achieve their highest potential.
If you think your child may have special educational needs, please contact the SENCO, Mrs Jenny Tombs.
Children with SEND will have one of the following plans:
The SEND Partnership Service (SPS) provides free confidential and impartial information, advice and support about matters relating to special educational need or disability, including health and social care. Their Advice Line is 01225 394382 and is available Monday to Thursday 10.00am to 3.00pm. There is an answerphone outside of these hours. You can also email: send_partnershipservice@bathnes.gov.uk
Peasedown St John Primary School Local Offer 2023-24
These policies are Trust polices and can be found with the other Trust policies on their website.
Bath and North East Somerset Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Service have produced some factsheets for parents and carers. They also have an advice line: 01225 831 752 on Wednesdays 1pm – 4pm, during term time.
If your child has a diagnosis of Autism, you may find the following websites and factsheets helpful.