Every day is an open day!
If you are interested in your child starting with us in Reception in September 2025 then we welcome you to visit any time.
If you would prefer to look around our school as part of a group, then we are holding open day events as follows:
Please call the school office (01761 432311) or email us office@psjprimary.co.uk to arrange a visit.
Children attend Peasedown St John Primary School between the ages of 2 and 11, our Nursery provision starts at 2 years and children enter our Reception classes at the start of the academic year in which they become five years old.
We recognise that some children will enter school just after their fourth birthday; our admission arrangements are designed to enable each child to settle well and to become confident and happy in school.
Please read the admissions policy carefully. Here you will find details of our admissions criteria, how applications are considered, what happens if a year group is oversubscribed and the appeals process.
In the event of an appeal, those making an appeal will receive at least 10 days notice of the appeal hearing and decision letters will be sent within 5 school days of the hearing date where possible.
Once offer letters have been sent out by BANES, pre-Reception children and their parents are invited into school. Parents are given the opportunity to meet with class teachers and children are able to find out about our Reception classes at our Getting to Know You sessions. A New Parents’ Information Evening is also held in the summer term.
If you are moving to the area and wish for your child to move into an existing school year group (in year applications) please download a form below.
We strongly advise that a school visit is arranged with you and your child(ren) before applying for a place at our (or any) school. Please contact the school office to make arrangements.
Once an application form is completed, the application will be considered and applicants will be sent a written decision by post within 20 school days of receipt of the In-Year application form.
If a place is offered, the applicant will be asked to confirm acceptance in writing within ten school days of receipt, following which the place will remain available for 28 school days from the date of the decision letter.