Start and Finish Times

We offer flexible provision and you may book a range of sessions to suit your needs. A minimum of 2 sessions or 1 full day per week is required. You can top up your child’s day using our Wraparound provision. As we are a school based nursery, we are term time only and follow the terms of PSJ Primary.

  • Breakfast Club: 8.00 – 8.45am
  • Morning Session: 8.45 – 11.45am
  • Afternoon Session: 12.30 – 3.30pm
  • Full Day: 8.45 – 3.30pm
  • Wraparound session: 3.30 – 5.45pm

Getting a Place in our Nursery

Children can start Nursery from their 2nd birthday (or, for those claiming 2-year funding, the term that starts after their 2nd birthday).  We have three admission dates during the year: September, January and April.  If you want to join straight away, do ask!  We may have space.  Just phone Ms Weeks.

From the term after a child’s 3rd birthday, they are eligible for 15 free hours of Nursery provision, fully funded by the local authority through the “Early Years Entitlement”.  These hours may be used entirely in our Nursery or split between two settings.  This funding is per term and is not transferable to other settings mid-term, except in exceptional circumstances.  We are also able to accept the extended (30 hour) funding from eligible families.

Delicious cooked school dinners are available for Nursery children and currently cost £2.20, payable in advance via ParentPay (Ms Weeks can talk you through it)

Additional hours may be purchased at the rates shown below.

Nursery fees are charged at £5.00 per hour for 3/4 year olds and £5.20 per hour for 2 year olds, payable in advance for a full term (approx. 6 weeks). Fees are non-refundable except in exceptional circumstances. Invoices will be sent out at the end of a term and must be paid promptly to ensure the place is kept open for your child. This is to ensure that we have the correct staffing in place on a term by term basis. We also ask for a £10 per term fee to cover our consumables – this includes all snacks, drinks, cookery, craft, forest school and gardening materials. 

We accept childcare vouchers and the HMRC Tax Free Childcare.  If you require further information regarding this please contact the school office.

Further Reading

Starting school in 2025?
