Peasedown St John Primary joined the Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership (MNSP) Trust in 2019.
The MNSP Trust website provides information about:
MNSP Trust schools follow the same financial guidelines, outlined in the documents listed above.
Please see also:
Charging and Remissions Policy (Sept 2022) – how we charge for school activities
Financial Regulations Policy (Sept 2022) – includes details of Financial Authorisation Levels, Reimbursement of Expenses including Governors and Trustees, Expenses claim form, Request for reimbursement, Trips – Finance and Budget Process
Please also refer to the MNSP Scheme of Delegation for further clarification of delegated authority.
Compare Peasedown St John Primary school’s or the MNSP Trust’s income and expenditure with similar establishments in England.
Take a look at the Government’s financial benchmarking tool to view our school or Trust’s financial data, see how it compares with others and use the information to establish relationships with other schools or multi-academy trusts.